Degan Hao


Email: DEH95 at PITT.EDU

Office: 5108 SENSQ Building, 210 S Bouquet St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213

About me

First-year Ph.D. student in Intelligent System Program at the University of Pittsburgh. I am interested in achieving equal health care opportunity with the help of artificial intelligence. Currently, I am working with Professor Shandong Wu on AI applications in medical imaging.

Software developer(2017-2019) (co-supervised by Dr. Michael Becich and by Dr. Jonathan Silverstein) at the Department of Biomedical Informatics of the University of Pittsburgh.

Prior to that, I obtained my bachelor's degree in Applied Physics from Beijing Institute of Technology and master's degree in Information Science from University of Pittsburgh.

During my undergraduate study, I interned in the Nanoplasmonics Lab at University of Victoria supervised by Dr. Reuven Gordon. This internship is co-funded by China Scholarship Council and Mitacs Canada. During my graduate study, I interned at Agolo, NYC as an NLP engineer. This summer internship is co-funded by the Data Science Institute of Columbia University and the company Agolo. Here is my blog post on coreference resolution I created during my internship

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